The most advanced, non invasive, medication free for depression.

FDA Approved
FDA approved and cleared TMS as the most effective treatment for depression.
Covered by insurance
TMS Therapy is covered by most insurance companies and Medicare.
TMS Therapy help you to recover from your depression with no medication.
No Side effects
You can start your normal activities immediately, with no side effects.

How TMS Therapy Works
A depressed person's brain has less electrical activity than a non depressed person.
With help of TMS technology, TMS therapy help the brain to gradually recover that activity without any side effects.
Studies have proven TMS therapy to be twice as effective than depression medications.

Why is the future of depression treatment
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a revolutionary therapy used to treat the symptoms of depression.
It gently stimulates the areas of the brain that cause depression symptoms.